Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report of PC on Mineral and Petroleum Resources and the PC on Electricity and Energy

Speech by ACDP MP, Steve Swart

Issued by the ACDP Parliamentary Media Office

South Africa’s reliance on Mozambican gas leaves us vulnerable

Nov 12, 2024

Honourable House Chairperson, the ACDP understands that the purpose of these review reports is to focus on service delivery performance, the effectiveness and efficiency of resource use, and forward allocation of resources.

With 100 days of ‘no load shedding’ behind us, South Africans are hoping that the crisis is over.  Clearly, the nation needs a stable load base in order to meet demand. The ACDP has called for the use of our 200 year coal deposits, using clean coal technology in order to protect our environment and the health of nearby inhabitants.

A greater focus needs to be on Municipalities that are failing in electricity reticulation repair and maintenance. Many have outdated and poorly maintained infrastructure leading to frequent power outages and unreliable supply. Political interference and cumbersome administrative processes and legislative requirements, theft, sabotage, and incompetence, slow down the implementation of necessary projects and repairs. 

Like many South Africans, the ACDP is concerned about the disposal of nuclear waste, as high-level waste remains radioactive for thousands of years, requiring secure storage solutions that prevent leaks and contamination, are able to withstand natural disasters, and remain safe from human interference. The ACDP will continue to monitor our disposal of nuclear waste.

With significant disruption to Mozambique’s gas extraction due to the Al Shabaab Islamic insurgency in the north, and election outcome protests, our reliance on Mozambican gas leaves us vulnerable. The ACDP calls for the exploration and utilisation of our viable gas reserves as well as the fast-tracking of our green hydrogen production.

I thank you.

Municipalities owe creditors R116.4bn, but are themselves owed R339.8bn

Municipalities owe creditors R116.4bn, but are themselves owed R339.8bn

Chairperson, The ACDP has taken note of the report of the Committee on local government and traditional affairs. Local government is instrumental in providing communities with essential services such as clean water, proper sanitation, reliable electricity, effective...