House Chairperson, Honourable President, Honourable Members, At the top of a list of priorities mentioned by President Ramaphosa during his SONA speech last week, was economic growth. Unemployment in this country is way too high. For almost 30 years now, we have seen...
Your Hope for a Great Future.
Truth, justice and a love for God and one’s neighbour should be the pillars on which we build our democracy and in which we can hope for a prosperous and vibrant South Africa.

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Unashamedly God-fearing, capable, servant leadership, with family at heart.
Our hope lies in God and in our Christian Democratic value system. If we are to see true moral renewal in our country, it must first start with us and then our families.

Taking a principled stand for you.
Our public representatives are here to serve you with dedication and integrity, to ensure service delivery and the proper oversight of government, and to take a firm stand whenever our freedoms are being undermined.

Don’t deploy our troops in peacekeeping roles without the necessary resources
Speaker, The ACDP would also like to extend its deepest condolences to the families of the 14 brave soldiers who died in the DRC. Our prayers are also with all those who were wounded - may they speedily recover. We said the same words in July last year during the...
ACDP responds to Eskom tariff increases and AGSA report
In meetings that were held by the Portfolio Committee on Electricity and Energy, with the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) and the Board of Eskom, Wayne Thring, MP, representing the African Christian Democratic Party on the Portfolio Committee, stated that the...
Escalating crisis in Goma threatening well-being of our troops deeply concerning
The African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) is deeply concerned about the life-threatening situation facing South African troops in the DRC after 13 fall in battle with many more being wounded. We are deeply concerned about the life-threatening situation facing...

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With your support, we will continue to defend the values and freedoms you hold dear, extend our reach to more communities and strengthen our Christian voice in all spheres of Government.