School transport must be safer says ACDP MPL

Gauteng Education must look into ways to make scholar transport safer. Do these vehicles have regular roadworthy checks? Do the drivers have advanced driving skills? Are the minibuses overloaded or not?

ACDP decides to stay out of Government of National Unity

The ACDP remains committed to the rule of law, the principles of good governance, and to serving the people of South Africa. This we will do without fear, favour or prejudice, and committing to the principles of accountability and transparency in a participatory, constitutional democracy.

Objections over voting and counting process to be raised with IEC

Given the substantial and numerous nature of the objections that will still be submitted by the ACDP and many other interested and affected parties in coming weeks, we reject the declaration by the SADC Electoral Observer Mission (SEOM) that these elections were free and fair.

ACDP concerned over Eskom’s diesel expenditure

Eskom’s has spent a total of R65bn over the past five years (more than a billion rand per month) on diesel expenditure on emergency generation, with most of this spent in the last two years.

ACDP rejects changes to funding formula

The ACDP and other parties have petitioned the President not to sign the Electoral Matters Amendment Bill into law, as this greedy ANC move poses a grave threat to our multi-party democracy.

South Africans have overwhelmingly rejected the BELA Bill

In its current form, the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (BELA Bill) has largely been rejected by the majority of South Africans which includes parents, religious bodies, civil society, community leaders, home-schoolers and school governing bodies, as well as various other organisations.

Disburse CARA funds to help crime-fighting units with reduced budgets

Disburse CARA funds to help crime-fighting units with reduced budgets

House Chair, The ACDP notes with concern that the operational budget of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is reduced by a staggering R5 billion over the medium term. Now, most speakers have very adequately expounded on the challenges, Minister,...

South Africa belongs to all who live in it and must come first

South Africa belongs to all who live in it and must come first

Honourable House Chairperson, The ACDP notes the R9.6 billion reduced budget of the Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition (DTIC), whose mandate it is to facilitate the creation of a conducive environment for companies and people to grow through increased...

Get workforce and goods back on rail and off our roads

Get workforce and goods back on rail and off our roads

Honourable House Chairperson, The ACDP offers its condolences to those families who lost their children and loved ones in the minibus accident in Gauteng last week. The ACDP notes that the budget for this Department of R80.6 billion has a decrease of 1.6% in real...