Speech on Budget Vote 6: International Relations and Cooperation
Speech by ACDP MP, Wayne Thring

Issued by the ACDP Parliamentary Media Office

DIRCO should not adopt a hypocritical foreign policy position

Jul 11, 2024

Honourable Chairperson,

The ACDP believes that the importance of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, with a reduced budget allocation of R6.5 billion for the 2024/25 financial year, cannot be underscored.

We note that in terms of the mandate of this Department, International agreements that are not of a technical, administrative or executive nature, will only bind the country after being approved by Parliament. Parliament also approves ratification or accession of the country to multilateral agreements. All international agreements must be tabled in Parliament for information purposes. In this regard, the ACDP is concerned about the silence on developments regarding the WHO’s International Health Regulation Amendments and Pandemic Treaty, which if passed and at the threat of pandemic risk, will give the WHO (an unelected international body) unfettered power to impose lockdowns on sovereign nations and sanctions on nations that do not comply. Nations that have signed or agreed to the IHR Amendments and Pandemic Treaty risk losing their sovereignty if WHO just suspects that there is a pandemic risk.

This Department’s overall mandate is to work for the realisation of South Africa’s foreign policy objectives, which include protecting South Africa’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The ACDP cautions that DIRCO should not adopt a hypocritical foreign policy position, having a non-aligned position on China’s abuse of Muslim Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang, and a non-aligned position in the Russia-Ukraine war, yet adopt an aligned position with Hamas who have committed to the genocide of Jews, stating publicly, “First the people of the Saturday (Jews) and then the people of Sunday (Christians).

This Department cannot be silent on the slaughter of 1800 Christians in northern Mozambique, or the more than 50 000 Christians slaughtered in a genocidal campaign waged by Islamists across paths of sub-Saharan Africa who are urged by Islamic State spokesman, Abu Al-Ansari, to “Kill them wherever you find them”.

The ACDP urges the Minister to use the Department’s resources in a consistent manner, to foster a spirit of peace, protect our sovereignty, and create an enabling environment for South African business.

I thank you.


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