Speech on National Women’s Day: Celebrating 30 years of freedom and women development
Speech by ACDP MP, Steve Swart

Issued by the ACDP Parliamentary Media Office

The faith-based community is needed in finding solutions to GBV

Aug 27, 2024


While the ACDP joins in celebrating 30 years of freedom and women development, I, as a male, would like to start this debate with an acknowledgment and an apology on behalf of the men of South Africa.

We have and are failing the women of South Africa, given the high levels of violence and femicide. It is disgraceful that women in our society do not feel safe. We’ve heard lists and lists of names of women that have been raped and murdered, and we need, as the men of South Africa, to stand like the Biblical Daniel, who was a righteous man, and say we have sinned; we have not nurtured and protected the women and children in our communities. We are deeply sorry, forgive us.

Obviously, this does not apply to all men. We are thankful for Godly men who fulfil and serve their vital God-given roles in the family and in society.

Sadly, the fatherless statistics in South Africa shows that around 60% of children do not have a father listed on their birth certificates. This indicates that a great number of men have abdicated their responsibility, are absent, irresponsible and passive. They have abandoned their post as men.

Saying sorry is not sufficient: action is also required. Men need to commit to preventing gender-based violence and femicide. Men need to commit to preventing teenage and unwanted pregnancy. Girls and women do not get pregnant on their own. CSE is not working to reduce teenage pregnancy. We need action. As other speakers have said, enough is enough.

The ACDP calls on all men, and particularly men of faith to rise up and take a stand for their families and to be a mentor for other men to do the same thing. We also urge government to not exclude men from decision-making and finding solutions to gender-based violence and femicide.

The ACDP calls on broader society and all faith-based organisations and churches to be intentional about teaching the boy child to be a better man: What does consent mean? How does one respect a woman? How does one respect a woman’s body? How do you control your own sexual drives? How do you be responsible and care, protect and provide for yourself and your family?

The moral guidance and prayers of the faith-based community is needed in finding solutions to teenage and unwanted pregnancy, fatherlessness, family breakdowns and the scourge of gender-based violence.

I thank you.

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