Speech on the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Bill [B8B–2021]
Speech by ACDP MP, Rev Kenneth Meshoe

Issued by the ACDP Parliamentary Media Office

Protect agricultural land and farmers: they provide real meat and food

Dec 5, 2023

House Chairperson,

The Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Bill aims to address the shortcomings of the Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act and entrench regulatory measures for the security of high potential agricultural land.

This bill is debated at a time when there is a move for farmland and animals to be taken away from food producers in rich countries because of the synthetic meat and food industry being promoted by Bill Gates — the American billionaire who blames cows for contributing to climate change.

Dutch farmers have expressed anger and have staged widespread protests at their government’s drive to tackle nitrogen pollution through a major reduction in the number of pigs, cattle and chickens in the Netherlands. Australia and Canada have also been targeted.

If this is happening to rich countries today, it will be Africa tomorrow, and the ACDP is vehemently opposed to this money-making industry that will put our health at risk. 

There is starvation in South Africa, and with our alarming employment figures, many families are on the bread line not even affording one good meal a day and children are suffering with malnutrition. 

All agricultural land must be preserved to continue producing crops, raising animals of all kinds and supplying real meat and food for Africa.

Our agricultural land is a scarce commodity. It must be protected and wisely managed because we all need to eat real food from the ground, as God intended — not from laboratories sponsored by Bill Gates.

All our farmers should be protected and incentivised to produce more food in our country so that ultimately, South Africa would potentially become the ‘bread basket’ of Africa, the US and Europe, particularly at a time when lab-meat-eaters will have become tired of chemical-filled meat and food produced in laboratories. South Africa should be ready to be a blessing and an answer to countries that will be begging for real food because they’ve ben fed what is not for human consumption.

Thank you.

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