Statement by ACDP Spokesperson, Raymond Tlaeli

Issued by the ACDP Parliamentary Media Office

Statement on Angelo informal settlement deaths

Jul 7, 2023

The ACDP is saddened by the tragic loss of 17 lives at the Angelo Informal Settlement, in Boksburg on the East Rand, as a result of gas inhalation.

It is reported, and suspected, that the gas leak may be linked to illegal mining activity close to the settlement.

If the deaths at Angelo Informal Settlement are proven to be linked to illegal mining, the ACDP believes that the South African Police Minister, Mr Bheki Cele, should take full responsibility and account for his failure to clamp down on illegal mining and other forms of crime that have become rife across the country.

The rape of 8 women at a mine dump in West Village, Krugersdorp, last year in July, and the subsequent arrest of some 65 illegal miners or Zama Zamas on charges of rape, possession of explosives and unlicensed firearms, as well as contravening the immigration act brought to the fore the stark reality and the hideous dark side of illegal mining in South Africa.

Our government has enabled and aided illegal mining to flourish by its porous borders and poor immigration management.

The ACDP calls on President Cyril Ramaphosa to remove the incapable Minister of Police from office, and to replace him with someone who has the will to clamp down on illegal mining, which would ensure that there would not be a repeat of what has happened at the Angelo Informal Settlement.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of the deceased persons, and we pray that God gives them great comfort at this difficult time.


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