Speech on the report of the Powers and Privileges Committee on allegations of conduct constituting contempt of Parliament by Mr M J Zwane, MP
Speech by S N Swart MP

Issued by the ACDP Parliamentary Media Office

Contempt of Parliament is a serious offence and must not be tolerated

Feb 29, 2024

House Chair,

The ACDP agrees with the report. Honourable Zwane was found guilty in the first disciplinary hearing on a breech of the Code of Conduct by the Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests, and its report was accepted by this House.

But, as we now know, Hon. Zwane failed inexplicably to apologise. And this then clearly shows a great lack of respect for Parliament across the board. This does not just involve one party, the majority party, it involves Parliament across the board.

This necessitated a further inquiry at the cost and time of members which was, again, unnecessary. This then allowed for evidence, and we now know of a guilty finding by that committee.

The ACDP supports the penalty — the order to apologise. We agree that the original order must be enforced. So, we support this as well as a reduction of half of the monthly remuneration of the member.

Hopefully this sanction will serve as a deterrent to other MPs that contempt of Parliament is a very serious offence. It should also serve as a lesson for incoming Members of Parliament that we as Parliament will not tolerate indiscipline or contempt of this House.

I thank you.

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