Speech on the report of the Standing Committee on Appropriations on the Special Appropriation Bill [B19‒2024]
Speech by ACDP MP, Steve Swart

Issued by the ACDP Parliamentary Media Office

ACDP opposes R95.5M funding for IEC court case against Israel

Dec 5, 2024

Chairperson, the ACDP believes that it is the primary duty of the state to protect its citizens from crime and violence, yet it is failing dismally in this regard. According to former police minister Cele, 223,632 murders were committed in a decade in South Africa since 2012 – that is almost a quarter of a million. More than 27 000 (27 368 to be exact) people were murdered last year alone – that is 75 people per day. What South Africans are experiencing on a day to day basis is for all practical purposes a war in our own country.  Law enforcement agencies complain that the fight against crime is hampered by reduced budgets – for the police, for prosecutors, for more courts, and more prisons.

Yet, today in addition to the unacceptable SANRAL bail-out of R5.1bn, we are expected to approve more than R95 million to fund lawfare against Israel at the ICJ. This is only for costs incurred in the filing of papers at the ICJ.  There has been no final judgement of genocide against Israel – that is still to be considered by the Court. Should the case go to trial, it will cost hundreds of millions of rands.

Former minister Pandor in commenting on the legal costs indicated that “the costs aren’t prohibitive” as officials were being paid from departmental budgets.” She added that “the other legal counsel has provided pro bono services”-  that is for free. We are now being asked to fork up R95 million rand. This is scandalous.

The ACDP agrees with Mr Khotso Mofokeng’s submission that this Bill does not speak to the core needs of ordinary people of South Africa, who daily can not afford to buy food, pay for electricity, pay for municipal bills and be able to afford better healthcare in this country.

This strengthens the perception amongst South Africans that government prioritises international relations and lawfare against Israel over the needs and socio-economic challenges faced by the majority of South Africans. Charity begins at home!

The ACDP is not callous. While we are deeply saddened by the loss of innocent lives on both sides of the Israel/Gaza war, we are equally saddened by the loss of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives in genocides taking place in Syria, Yemen, South Sudan and Myanmar, to mention a few cases. Yet why does the government not bring those countries before the ICJ. Are those lives not important as well?

What is also conveniently forgotten is that Hamas started this war with its attack on Israel on 7 October last year – when 1200 mainly innocent civilians were murdered – when unimaginable atrocities were committed, and 250 hostages were taken, with many of these having been murdered since then. 

Why is nothing said about this today?

Am Yisrael Chai.
The people of Israel live!
Am Yisrael Chai.

The ACDP will not support this Bill.

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