Statement by ACDP MP, Marie Sukers

Issued by the ACDP Parliamentary Media Office

ACDP hopes ministerial visit to Hanover Park is more than a PR exercise

Oct 13, 2023

The African Christian Democratic Party welcomes the visit by the MEC for Community Safety and Police Oversight, Mr Reagen Allen, and the Minister of Police, Mr Bheki Cele, in response to our request to intervene and assist the community of Hanover Park who have had to endure constant shootings and gang violence over the last few weeks.

We hope that government, Minister Cele and MEC Allen, take the concerns and well-being of this community and its people seriously, and that today’s visit was not just a PR exercise but an actual effort to root out gangsterism and increase police presence and visibility in the area.

The Hanover Park community has had several campaigns and has seen various NGO’s along with other entities do their bit to intervene, but unfortunately not with enough impact to turn the corner.

The ACDP have engaged with the Hanover Park community through our provincial offices to find a lasting solution to bring peace and safety to the area. We will continue to do this to the best of our ability and keep government and its representatives accountable at every turn.

We trust that the visit by both government representatives today will allow for this community to move closer in their quest to live in peace and harmony, free from drugs, gangsterism and violence, and where children can enjoy open spaces safely.


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